Katy Perry is Love

Hi! Good morning whoever you are, I want you to know that my morning's doing great cause of  Katy Perry not that you care or anything. But, don't you just love her?! I mean come on she's friggin awesome. I love that her lips taste like cherry chopsticks. I like the fact that she's hot and cold and that knowing when i'm gone she'd be thinking of me (haha!!!). She is the reason why I want to be a California girl. I am also proud to say that she is my teenage dream, always will. Yeah!baby she is a firework no doubt about that. Lastly, If she were to abduct me, I won't even think twice. I'd go ET for her!!! :) Sorry if I sound so "lesbo" right now, all I'm trying to say is I <3 you KATY PERRY! :)