Unbound Legacy ADHOC 2012

I said I was not going to miss ADHOC this year. I am a senior now so I just had to go and experience the college party people were talking about. I have to say kudos to them who made this happen it was really epic, pure fun it was. Will never forget this night. It was one of those nights that make you say "No way!! I did not do that." the next morning you wake up and your friends starts teasing you about what you did. hahaha! :D

 With them great people...

Abby and Kat...me doing the okay sign as always
Yes, we havin' fun. I look drunk here.
Jenica and us.
pout?! duck face?! kissy face?!

I won't share the other photos anymore and I guess you guys understand why. haha! ;)
Thankful for the memories and those great stories to tell.

the end.