An Update

I've abandoned this space for a while now and I'm not really happy about that. Trust me, I would love to update you more about my life as much as I possibly can but I've been quite busy with school and a lot of things lately. Oh, the daily struggle of a senior student. Also, I have some other stuff to deal which I really enjoy like restoring some old denims that I started as just an experiment with my friend. Fortunately, we had a good feedback from people so we are trying to push through with it and make more of them. (check out: styleavenueMNL on facebook and instagram) I've been writing a couple of short liners as well on my handy dandy notebook which I promise to post here soon.

These past few months have been a blast for me. I've never been this out and game for everything. 2013's opening was really good and I hope it continues to be like that. I am glad that I get to go out with my friends more, have fun, be crazy and all that. I am seeing more of the world now and though I feel lost and not really sure of what the future would be like for me at least I get to enjoy moments of the present. I get to live life and really I want to live more. :) I don't want to be held back anymore by things I think are hindrances I am getting over this state and be free.

So anyways I will post a photo of something I did just recently cause I was free for a weekend and suddenly an idea came to me. Again, the wall in our bedroom is the victim for this idea. :)

me posing with it. I'd like to call it my 2nd wall project. :)

and here's a photo with the first one I did. :)

I realized that when I have an idea I might as well go for it and do it immediately and not let it pass. :)
