Oh You Women!

Here's a post about three women that I admire very much. They are not just your typical pretty face. They have gorgeous brains that I couldn't get enough of. So yeah, I couldn't stop myself from crushing over their brilliance. (Huhu, wish I was more like them/ I will be like them. SOMEDAY! SOMEDAY!) 

Rashida Jones:

(Oh di ba, Ang ganda ng ganda niya!!!)

 She is on the TV series "Parks and Recreation" which I will be watching soon because my friends recommended it ( and also all for Rashida love). I have seen her on a couple of movies but it was when she starred on the movie "Celeste and Jesse Forever" that I really took notice of her. The movie was so good, it was damn realistic and very relatable. As of now, I think I've watched it 5 times already and the first two times was on the same day (hahah! Oo na! bet ko tlga yung movie eh plus leading man niya dun si Andy Samberg eh sobrang crush ko ung mokong na yun). If you haven't seen it yet, YOU SHOULD!!!

(may copy ako nito dala ka usb share ko sayo. haha!)

After watching the movie I started researching about it. It's kinda my thing to search more about a movie when I really like it. So I came across the information that RASHIDA JONES CO-WROTE IT with Will McCormack. Why you so awesome Rashida!!! Then I discovered that even though both her parents were famous personalities (Quincy Jones and Peggy Lipton ---Hindi ko sila kilala, hindi ko era) she didn't took advantage of that she even said this "Look, I have parents who have accomplished so much. I have a father who came from nothing and conquered the world. The last thing I'm going to do is sit here and spend his money and try to look pretty. That's not interesting to me at all."  which made me admire her even more. I knew that she's an actress but what I didn't know initially is that she graduated from Harvard, that she is a comic book author, screenwriter, an occasional singer; as if her speaking voice isn't sexy enough and that she recently added directing on her resume when she directed the music video Brave by Sarah Bareilles (the next woman on this post)

Sarah Bareilles:

(bata pa lang ata ako crush ko na siya eh)

She made you sing and dance over her first single "Love Song" I remember watching its music video repeatedly because it was so cute, fit for a kid like me (kahit hindi ko na maintindihan lyrics basta cute yung nakikita ko sa screen. cartoon lng? haha!). She empowered you with songs like Uncharted, King of Anything, Gonna Get Over You and the recently released Brave. Then she made you sob and feel the pain with Gravity and Breathe Again. I have to admit Gravity is a big part of my "F*ck this love--it hurts so bad--what the hell is wrong with me days" haha! then every time I have a friend who's sad about their ex-situation I'd be like "You go listen to Gravity by Sarah B". hahah!
There was this performance on the show "So you think you can dance" and the song used was Gravity and since I'm such a sucker for contemporary dance routines it was my go to video when I'm sad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhI4CpAH8wM (Feel na feel ko tlga yung dance pati yung song, bawat vein sa katawan ko nagrereact. haha!) So what I'm really trying to say here is that this woman wrote/sang/played the piano so you can have remarkable songs to listen to and expressive lyrics to tweet about. 

Zoe Kazan:

(don't look at her eyes or else you'll fall deeply in love)

Honestly, I don't know much about her. All I know is my friend gave me a copy of the movie "Ruby Sparks" and she portrayed Ruby so well. This movie is so wicked---it had a refreshing approach on how our imagination works and the real/unreal kind of love story (WICKED CONCEPT). Again, if you haven't watched it YOU SHOULD!!! Go get your lazy ass going!!! get a copy of this movie, eat some chips while you watch cause if not then you're letting a shiny gem pass your vision. 

("If you can imagine it. It's real")

So I did my thing again I researched about the movie and to my surprise Ruby wrote Ruby. The movie Ruby Sparks was actually written by Zoe Kazan who played the role of ruby. Zoe Kazan's brain should be preserved in a museum someday. :) Also, Paul Dano is her real life boyfriend. 

***It fascinates me to know that they are writers whether it's a song, a screenplay or a book it gives you a sneak peek of what's going on inside their brain and says a lot about the kind of person they are. Women who can speak their mind and I can't help but think that someday they'll be married to some guy whom I'll say is a lucky b@st@rd that scored the jackpot.