It's the 31st of July year 2013 today and I finally received my first official salary. haha! I just thought about sharing it. It has been a month since I started working for Vans and honestly I am still walking on my toes. Hopefully, i'd be able to fully grasp all the ins and outs of my work soon. Anyway, nothing really special about this post. I am very much elated and was quite excited about receiving the fruits of my labor but all that got replaced in a snap when I checked my facebook account and found myself being tagged on this photo:

hahah! yeah! This is what really made my day. Thanks to my awesome friend who made this possible. I hope you know that you made the fan girl in me tear up with one eye because of pure bliss and kilig. hahah! I take back what I said this blog is now supremely special. LOL! :) #Julielmo #ElmoMagalona #JulieAnneSanJose

P.S.  I hope I could blog more and update this space as much as I can. 
Dear self, I know your work eats time but you should never forget to go out there and do awesome stuff with your life.