Film Festival

10-13-2012 It was the Black Barong Film Festival awards night and My dad's birthday (haha! singit lng! :) happy birthday daddy) It's Saturday and we have no PR class (PARTY! REJOICE!) so me and my blockmates attended to support our film entries. Congratulations to all the winners by the way. They all deserve it. Thank you to our film theories professor for giving us this opportunity and this awesome experience as comm. arts students.

me and Abby playing with Bern's camera while prepping up at Abby's dorm.

They said we had to wear a cocktail dress for the event, since I am not one good follower I ended up wearing this. First time to wear this kind of pants. I like it cause I look tall. 

Here are the posters of the participating films from (UST, FEU, San Sebastian)

Oo nga pala our film entry is "Krayola"...

The Cherry on top:
Krayola won the "Best in Screenplay" award which I don't think our team really expected. That's why super shout kami when we heard our film title being called. Todo papicture din kami sa trophy. hahah! That's AB (with the maong type of polo cover up), our film director "Super Auteur" yan. :) Hinliliit Productions is so happy! yey! :) *handshake to all my group mates. :)

got this bag tag as a souvenir...
