Just another Monday

You know how it is like, when you sleep late and is obliged to wake up early the next day. Well, that is how things went off.  It’s Monday today and frankly out of all the days it is the least favoured. Alarm starts buzzing like an annoying child crying. You open your eyes and realized that everyone’s gone and all that’s left is you and your throbbing head. Slowly, you pick yourself up; walked down the stairs half-awake. Turned the microwave on and placed a mug of water on heat so you can have your breakfast. Minutes later you are all set to go to school, to accomplish everything you need done and over. It is windy and slightly raining outside. Not a good thing for your “lack of sleep” disease.  

On your way to the north, you watch scenes by the window of the bus you were on while listening to “feel good” music that you hope would help you get through this day. Things in school briefly happened, all in a blur. You are somehow glad that Monday is almost over. To celebrate, you asked a friend to go outside and get a smoke or two. Now relaxed and contemplating while inhaling consequently exhaling substances from a prohibited stick.

You walked along the streets to get a ride going to the bus station. Took your umbrella out because water from the heavens are starting to pour. Finding a ride was easy; you sat in the front seat of this cab. Starting to feel that slight high you get when you smoke. Little by little your head starts to throb again and your soul almost wanting to throw up. Traffic was just as bad as you expected but Monday was not done with you yet. You held yourself up leaning your head by the window of the car and on your most noxious moment , you see “him” with someone else to be sure you took another glance and just like a movie everything was in slow motion. You were saddened not because you still love him but because you were wrong on that idea that you still did. Saddened because you were afraid that you’re not going to feel that same kind of metaphor for someone again; that as of today you are incapable of love.

Hours passed and you managed to catch some sleep on your way home. Feeling a little better now, your mom greets you and suddenly starts talking about this “sad news” which you thought was the perfect recipe to end your Monday. Tired and irritated, you walked up the stairs went inside your room and hugged your pillow tightly. Just like that, you are back from where you started; asleep and hopeful that Monday did not happen.

------THE END-----

Written by: Alen Obedencio