A poem by Manny and Me

Since I was bored during our 6-9 class I decided to play and write a poem with my blockmate all he had to do was rhyme with whatever I wrote down. :) Here's the photo of our draft. :)
Close your eyes
and feel my thighs.
Squeeze in closer
so I can feel your rooster.
Now i'm out of my mind
because your love I can't find.
Are we doing it right?
Can you fly my kite?
Take me higher until I am out of sight
and let me be blinded by your light.
This feeling I can't fight.
Your apple I want to bite.
Tempted like Eve.
You're taken from my rib.
Don't you think that's bullshit?

---THE END---
btw, that's Manny he did my hair that day. *claps for his messy work. :)

Bad Habits.Good times.

"That maybe after all of these are gone everyone we resent will vanish into thin air. Then we'll be thankful cause this night happened for these are the good times our bad habits saved us."

   photos courtesy of Jayvee Jumaquio

Not Pin-up

08-24-2012 (liquid pool and bar h2O then seaside moa)
I was not really wearing my red heels on that night. I was actually too lazy to wear those kind of shoes so I hid my black heels inside my bag and wore slippers instead. haha! :)

So my awesome friend (jayvee) wore the red ones instead and see that lazy girl on her side that's me feeling so comfy. :)

In the end, we both gave up we figured our feet needed a little more loving so here we are "happy girls with happy feet" 

photos courtesy of Jayvee Jumaquio
more photos to come about this night out. 

My World

The Sad Story

Hear me say a story of a real tale.
Once upon a time,
While they’re chasing rainbows
She was here chasing flames,
Wishing the world would care.
She was here watching
Her world turn its back on her,
again and again.

But there’s no one to blame
Cause every word she claims
Makes them cry in pain
When every step she takes,
leaves a trail of mistake.

Someone wake sleeping beauty up
Her world ain’t real.
Stop her from believing this
fake fairy tale dream.

by: Alen Obedencio

Random Nights

I believe that unplanned trips are most likely to happen. I had nothing to do on a Sunday night so a friend of mine randomly asked me to go for a drive. Since I am always go when I feel like going. hahah! Leggo! By the way this is just one of my super late post regarding my life cause this trip happened a few months ago pa. 

Oh well, we went down south. (Nuvali, Sta.Rosa) 
 Meet the "Oh so random friend" Charles. :)
"pose daw siya"                                             "kain daw siya"     
"walk daw siya"       

"there's nothing like the empty streets at night time"
"best in angle"
"it's my ang pogi ko pose"

 Time to eat:
 yes nomon feel na feel...:)
"Lovin' them vanilla mochiszzz..."
"while playing at timezone like kids" 

 "Strolling the empty streets"
"free your spirit"---doing some long jumpin'
"breaking the rules"
"bliss caused by experiencing life randomly"
"a random night with the random kids"

Faith In Love is Restored

To start off, I am sorry if I am being such a fan girl here. It's just that I can't explain this to myself either why I am acting like you know. :) Anyways, I am only going to blog about this because I want to be reminded of this day (08-19-2012, Sunday) forevaaah. 

So yeah, I've been tweeting @Superelmo (Elmo Magalona) cause I have a severe crush on him. It's not like I'm the only one. haha! (aminin nio na bet nio din cia) :) I've been ranting to my mom about his cuteness, my hopes of having someone like him, my fears that I may not have a chance on an "Elmo" because in this world it's not so hard to feel so small. :) haha! Oh well, my point is...
this is my wallpaper---I say and kiss goodnight to this photo before I sleep. haha! I think this is true love na tlga! charot! :D By the way, I left my mom speechless because of all the things I've been telling her. She doesn't know what to do with me anymore it must be hard to have a weird daughter like me.

Thing is, ELMO MAGALONA finally tweeted the desperate @AlenOSupreme. My heart went out of my chest then suddenly I am shaking & screaming at the same time. WUHAHAHA! :)

That's all thank you!!! All for love!!! I believe in love again! hahah! :) I believe that there is nothing impossible!! FAITH IN LOVE IS RESTORED!! I am so sorry if you think that I am being obnoxious right now. :) sorry na! pagbigyan niyo na ako ngayon lng. :) Who knows, maybe by some miracle I may have the chance to win a date from him. (okay sobra na ung pag-iilusyon ko dito) bye na! :)

#xoxo spread the love.

Dare of Love

We were young, we were wild
busy playing our foolish game.
We didn’t know anything about love
and what it seemed.
But we felt it along the way
and it was real, so real.
Though we were scared
to admit what was meant.

It doesn’t matter how many times
we break these hearts of ours.
How many times we’ve rolled the dice.
Because it’s going to be you and me
in the end of this twisted journey.

And now here we are
baby this is fate.
Hold my hand and kiss me.
Don’t let go.
While we burry all that we fear,
inside this flowing concrete.
 And fulfil our dreams
of everlasting bliss.

written by: Alen Obedencio
for Sophie and Julien (Jeux d' Enfants)

Lone Walker

"Walk with her"
"Silhouette like"

Beware: "The look at your shoes pose" 
(1)                                                                (2)
Because I was bored the past few days. I had the chance to reconnect with my "artsy-farsty vanity". 

Just another Monday

You know how it is like, when you sleep late and is obliged to wake up early the next day. Well, that is how things went off.  It’s Monday today and frankly out of all the days it is the least favoured. Alarm starts buzzing like an annoying child crying. You open your eyes and realized that everyone’s gone and all that’s left is you and your throbbing head. Slowly, you pick yourself up; walked down the stairs half-awake. Turned the microwave on and placed a mug of water on heat so you can have your breakfast. Minutes later you are all set to go to school, to accomplish everything you need done and over. It is windy and slightly raining outside. Not a good thing for your “lack of sleep” disease.  

On your way to the north, you watch scenes by the window of the bus you were on while listening to “feel good” music that you hope would help you get through this day. Things in school briefly happened, all in a blur. You are somehow glad that Monday is almost over. To celebrate, you asked a friend to go outside and get a smoke or two. Now relaxed and contemplating while inhaling consequently exhaling substances from a prohibited stick.

You walked along the streets to get a ride going to the bus station. Took your umbrella out because water from the heavens are starting to pour. Finding a ride was easy; you sat in the front seat of this cab. Starting to feel that slight high you get when you smoke. Little by little your head starts to throb again and your soul almost wanting to throw up. Traffic was just as bad as you expected but Monday was not done with you yet. You held yourself up leaning your head by the window of the car and on your most noxious moment , you see “him” with someone else to be sure you took another glance and just like a movie everything was in slow motion. You were saddened not because you still love him but because you were wrong on that idea that you still did. Saddened because you were afraid that you’re not going to feel that same kind of metaphor for someone again; that as of today you are incapable of love.

Hours passed and you managed to catch some sleep on your way home. Feeling a little better now, your mom greets you and suddenly starts talking about this “sad news” which you thought was the perfect recipe to end your Monday. Tired and irritated, you walked up the stairs went inside your room and hugged your pillow tightly. Just like that, you are back from where you started; asleep and hopeful that Monday did not happen.

------THE END-----

Written by: Alen Obedencio


I hope he feels the same way
the way i feel for him.
I hope that what he does,
is what his heart believes.
Cause you made me 
change the world completely.


Ohh...and its hard to fall for someone
when its only me who cares
and its hard to fall for someone
when its only my imagination.
and maybe someday oh
time will come to say
you and I feel the same way.

I hope that what i see,
is what he see's in me
I hope he hears these words;
these words that i fell for
Cause you made me change 
my world completely.

(repeat CHORUS)

and now im here, hoping you'll say
You and i feel the same way.

written by: Alen Obedencio
just an old song I wrote, when i was still a child. :)

Morning Kiss

#RightByMySide #NickiMinaj #ChrisBrown

Vampire Diaries- OST (My playlist)

Ache by James Carrington 
Medicine by Daughter
Holding on and letting go by Ross Copperman
Give me love by Ed Sheeran
Never let me go by Florence and the Machine
Redemption by The Strange Familiar
Light by Analogue Revolution
Be Still by The Fray
When the light dies out by Christel Alsos
Guarded by Kevin Daniel
Between by Courier
Up in Flames by Coldplay
Free like you make me by Cary Brothers
A drop in the ocean by Ron Pope
Make it without you by Andrew Belle
I should go by Levi Kreis
Echo by Jason Walker
Distance by Christina Perry

just want to share songs that I have been listening to for the past rainy days. :)

Photo Essay for Practicum

       Me, being an intern for “Wil Productions” TV5 has got to be the best summer experience this college year. I remember myself worrying that no good company might accept me to work for them, that my credentials as a student were not really that impressive. I did not want to keep my hopes up. I told myself that whatever comes along I will just go with it and not be “choosy” about it. I was honestly scared to go out there and experience the real world outside UST. I already felt intimidated though I haven’t even started to work for any company yet.  I was cynical about certain things like people in the professional world might not take me seriously. But still the fighter in me did not really backed down I knew that part of me needed this experience to help me grow as a person. There’s this urge to prove myself wrong regarding these negative thoughts in my mind.
          How I got this internship explains why it felt like it was meant for me. I was sending my resume to a couple of companies online and was merely waiting for their reply. I didn’t want to be too comfortable so while waiting I tried to go with some of my friends and do some walk-ins. By some chance, a friend of mine told me she had an interview for TV5 because someone recommended her. I went with her together with another block mate of mine so that I could pass my resume to someone in the office and not really expecting to get accepted or even be asked for an interview. We were told that the person my friend was supposed to meet was already there. She encouraged us to go with her and not be shy. We were introduced to “the person” and though I was nervous I did not really want to miss this chance. I spoke up saying my name and told her that we were hoping we could pass our resume. She scanned our resumes and signed all of them then told us to go upstairs and give it to the HR personal. I was clueless at first and had no idea what was happening. Things were coming up too fast we were asked to pass a couple of requirements, a photo for our I.D. and etc. It did not really sink in to me after a couple of minutes that we were actually accepted and could already start as soon as possible. Am I lucky or what?! Though, I was aware that the network’s location (Novaliches city) was far from where I am staying and travelling is a lot of hassle. I pushed through and convinced my parents to sign my waiver.     

                                                                                                                                               Now starts my internship experience:

 The People:

Meet our awesome bosses; they are only some of the people I have worked with for a month or plus. I have to say that they are a fun crowd to be with. These people have contributed a lot on changing my perceptions about the professional world and how I see life outside school. I have learned a lot from them regarding how the television world revolves and how to handle pressure/work. They were always there to guide us and tell us how to get things done properly. I am thankful for that and for having the chance to work with them
Here are my co-interns that made working fun and a little less on the hard side. I love how we became good friends even after the internship. I will forever treasure our memories together that summer.

                                       Inside the Studio:

 Some photos during the live show and rehearsals before we go on-air. You can see here how people behind the camera works (photos on the right side: There’s the floor director and one of the camera men and that’s me holding a sign board to communicate with the audience)

We love working: 
This internship allowed me to meet/deal with different kinds of people. It has been my pleasure to hear and learn from their personal stories (Briefing the audience, audience listing, assisting the contestants)

                                            The Perks: 
The perks would have to be getting invited into a nice dinner by your bosses. Then meeting celebrities you only see on television and having an amazing story to share with people.

Another bonus is having the chance to help people and taking that moment with you for the rest of your life. I would never forget this lola and I hope she never forgets me too. Lola went all the way to Novaliches city from her province and spent the night outside the TV networks’ building to watch the show hoping that she’ll win something. Yes, I feel like it’s not worth the risk to do what she did. I don’t really agree on it, but who could blame her right? She won on one portion of the show and took home an amount of money with her. This photo was taken when we assisted her down the canteen as instructed by our boss because they discovered that she hadn’t eaten a decent meal yet. The crew of the show was very accommodating and even gave her a ride home the next day. These are the things that we are unaware of, the staff doing what is beyond their job which is just to give the viewers a great show and I was privileged to witness all of it.

There are a lot of memories that I would take with me after my internship. If there is anything that I am really thankful for personally, is the growth that it has installed in me. This internship has removed my doubts and fears on entering  the professional world.  After my 200 hours as an intern I have gained experience, knowledge, new friends and courage to face more challenges after I graduate. I am now thrilled to work and take a step closer into the next chapter of my life.

#WiltimeBigtime #Televsion